A Machine Learning in Healthcare SWOT Analysis
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash Machine Learning is making sweeping improvements to many industries, healthcare being one of them. The impact ML can have on a sector or industry is as unique as the industry itself. Pharmacology is able to refine products by miniscule amounts to ensure quality and safety. The layer of coating that covers pill tablets is being reevaluated for accuracy by ML's capacity to find novel patterns in vast amounts of data. Resource management in hospitals is able to track inventory in real-time, giving physicians updates on what supplies are available. This is also helping in streamline the patient intake process. Radiologists are using AI to help identify chronic pulmonary hypertension faster using ML to find new pattern indicators. Personalized medicine, or precision medicine, is using ML to create treatment plans specific to a patient with increasing accuracy using predictive analysis. So where does this leave business manager...